Committee Heads

  • Brotherhood

    Plans and facilitates events for the chapter to promote brotherhood among members. The committee consists of chair members appointed to Rush, Date Nights, Athletics, and Brotherhood Events.

  • Professional Development

    Responsible for all aspects of promoting members’ professional development by planning events internally as well as informing the chapter on external opportunities and events. The committee consists of chair members appointed to Professional Development Events, Academics, and Public Relations.

  • Internal Affairs

    Oversees and supports a multitude of internal functions of the fraternity. The committee consists of chair members appointed to Design, Banners, Housing, and Fundraising.

  • Community Outreach

    Responsible for promoting service and community outreach among members. The committee consists of chair members appointed to Community Service, Philanthropy, and Sustainability


  • Academic

    Responsible for encouraging academic priorities among members. Aims to recognize high achievements of members and provide appropriate support for members in academic areas.

  • Athletic

    Creates multiple Intramural teams through the University of Georgia and organizes the teams for each sport. Responsible for communicating the University of Georgia Intramural guidelines and requirements to the members.

  • Banner

    Responsible for the creation of banners for use at chapter events. Aims to promote the events banners are created for and encourage pictures at events with the banner.

  • Community Service

    Responsible for recording each Member's community service hours throughout the semester. Finds and provides opportunities for Members to get their hours locally. Acts as a liasion between philanthropic organizations and Theta Tau.

  • Date Night

    Responsible for planning and facilitating all social events involving non-members of the fraternity which are invited by members. This includes, but is not limited to formal events, parents weekend, and other date night style events.

  • Design

    Responsible for the design and creation of apparel and products for the chapter in accordance with the guidelines set by The Theta Tau Brand Style Guide and the University of Georgia’s Brand Style Guide. Aims to create apparel and products which promote and memorialize milestones, events, and more for the chapter.

  • Fundraising

    Responsible for organizing fundraising events throughout the semester to raise money for our chapter. Acts as a liason between the University of Georgia and external organizations that would like to collaborate.

  • Housing

    Responsible for researching the financial, logistical, and local options in regards to the chapter purchasing a house in the future. Keeps organized records of any individual that pledges to donate or fund any aspect of the house.

  • MOO

    Responsible for assisting the Marshal in all aspects of New Member Education including organizing and conducting New Member Education, and other related activities.

  • Philanthropy

    Responsible for organizing philanthropy events throughout the semester to raise money for local organizations (non-profits, charities, etc). Communicates with members about the decision of which organization the money raised will be supporting.

  • Professional Development Events

    Responsible for organizing professional development events and informing the chapter on external professional opportunities and events. Acts as a liason between external organizations and speakers that are interested in working with Theta Tau.

  • Public Relations

    Responsible for maintaining, developing, and evolving Theta Tau’s website and various social media accounts and increasing interaction internally and externally. Acts as a liason between the University of Georgia Engineering social media platforms.

  • Risk Management

    Responsible for addressing any behavior which may be a risk to the fraternity. The committee is challenged to proactively prevent any risk management issues and possibilities by participating in any fraternity planning, events, meetings, etc.

  • Rush

    Responsible for organizing all aspects of rush, which include but is not limited to: rush events, supplies needed, venues/locations, and logistics of the events. Additionally keeps a detailed and organized record of the rushees, events attended, and excuses.

  • Social

    Responsible for organizing events that will increase member interaction, bonding, and involvement to increase brotherhood. Such events could include Semi, Formal, Parents Weekend, tailgates, third party events, trivia night, etc.

  • Sustainability

    Responsible for promoting sustainability efforts among members and at chapter events. Act as a liaison between the University of Georgia Office of Sustainability and other external organizations which promote sustainability.